

A Ubiquitous Web Services Framework for Interoperability in Pervasive Environments



Advances in the areas of pervasive environments, computing, and networking are leading to an infrastructure composed of a large number of heterogeneous services/devices. Although some network protocols accommodate heterogeneity of services and/or devices, existing protocols have various design goals and solutions. This paper outlines a Ubiquitous Web Services Framework which aims to hide the heterogeneity of hardware, software, data formats and communication protocols that is present in today’s pervasive environments. The proposed our framework enables user applications to interact with data from a wide range of networked services/devices using a high-level, abstract interface that features Web Services standards. The work presented here proposes the extended framework in an earlier work for an effective integration of heterogeneous services/devices in pervasive environments. The prototype of our framework have been implemented and evaluated. This paper also concludes with general remarks and a discussion of future works.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Our Approach
 4. Web Services on Universal Networks
  4.1. Universal Service Bus
  4.2. Universal Client Device
  4.3. Universal Server Device
 5. Implementation
 6. Qualitative Evaluation
 7. Final Remarks


  • Hyung-Jun Yim Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungnam National University
  • Kyu-Chul Lee Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungnam National University


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