

The Analysis of R/S Estimation Algorithm with Applications to WiMAX Network Traffic



One of the most popular scale exponent estimation algorithms is the Rescaled Range (R/S) analysis. The algorithm estimates the ratio of a range and standard deviation statistics in a window with increasing length. Firstly, through simulations with generated noise we analyze estimation precision of the algorithm and find that the algorithm overestimates and underestimates at lower and higher bounds of the estimation range correspondingly. Secondly, we analytically analyze the reasons for estimation errors. Based on spectral model of self-similar processes we find that the root of incorrect estimation is in the bias that persists in variance calculated for self-similar processes of limited length. Thirdly, we apply R/S algorithm to estimate scale exponents in WiMAX traffic, finally we compare the estimated exponent with the exponent obtained based on standard deviation statistics.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Spectral Model of Self-similar Processes
 3. R/S Analysis and its Estimation Problems
 4. The Sources of Estimation Errors
 5. Experiments
 6. Conclusion


  • Artem A. Lenskiy School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering Korea University of Technology and Education
  • Soonuk Seol School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering Korea University of Technology and Education


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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