

Image Zooming for Indexed Color Images Based on Bilinear Interpolation



In this paper, a novel image zooming scheme for indexed color images is proposed. In the proposed scheme, the bilinear interpolation technique is employed to enlarge the original image. Then, the pixel grouping process is executed to classify the pixels in the enlarged image. From the experimental results, it is shown that the proposed scheme provides better image quality than the pixel copy technique for the zooming of the indexed color images.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Proposed Scheme
 3. Experimental Results
 4. Conclusions


  • Yu-Chen Hu Dept. of Computer Science & Information Management, Providence University 200 Chung Chi Rd., Taichung 43301, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Bing-Hwang Su Dept. of Computer Science & Information Management, Providence University 200 Chung Chi Rd., Taichung 43301, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Wu-Lin Chen Dept. of Computer Science & Information Management, Providence University 200 Chung Chi Rd., Taichung 43301, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Wan-Yu Lu Dept. of Computer Science & Information Management, Providence University 200 Chung Chi Rd., Taichung 43301, Republic of China (Taiwan)


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