

Physical Signal Control System for Preservation of Posture Balance



This study was designed the physical signal control system of posture balance for preserving body sway. It was necessary to constantly monitor their physical parameters, especially body balance, to effectively control their health condition and care body moving. There signified body movement by the parameter that was neck moving and eye moving such as forward/backward body moving. This system consist of a data acquisition system, which was responsible for capturing and sending data signal, which was responsible for gathering data signal processing, and to control the received data through feedback system. There were evaluated their body sway through a physical data, and identified to maintain the stability. It was expected to control a body activity and to confirm the physical signal system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Paper Preparation
  2.1 Component of Sensory Compound Parameter
  2.2 Component of Physical Condition and Postural Balance
 3. System Design
  3.1 System of Physical Signal System
 4. Experimental Results
  4.1 Experimental Results
  4.2 Performance Evaluations
 5. Conclusion


  • Jeong-lae Kim Department of Biomedical Engineering Eulji University, Seoul, Korea
  • Ho-jun Yeom Department of Biomedical Engineering Eulji University, Seoul, Korea
  • Ki-young Lee Department of Medical IT and Marketing Eulji University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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