

An Efficient Implementation of Tate and Ate Pairings



Most implementations of pairing-based cryptography are using pairing-friendly curves with an embedding degree k ≤ 12. They have security levels of up to 128 bits. In this paper, we consider a family of pairing-friendly curves with embedding degree k = 24, which have an enhanced security level of 192 bits. We also describe an efficient implementation of Tate and Ate pairings using field arithmetic in Fq24; this includes a careful selection of the parameters with small hamming weight and a novel approach to final exponentiation, which reduces the number of computations required. When comparing with the latest implementation available in the research community, ours is 15% faster due to both our selection of efficient elliptic curve parameters and faster multiplication on Fq24. Therefore, it can significantly contribute to most contemporary identity-based or attributed- based encryption or signature schemes whose basic and essential operations are based on paring, known as one of the most time-consuming operations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Preliminaries
  2.1. Elliptic Curves
  2.2. Tate Pairing
  2.3. Miller’s algorithm [2]
  2.4. Ate Pairing
  2.5. Extension Field Arithmetic
 3. Pairing-friendly Elliptic Curve with Embedding Degree k=24
 4. Computation of Bilinear Pairings over Elliptic
  4.1. Tower Extension of Finite Field Fq24
  4.2. Sextic Twist and Miller’s Algorithm
  4.3. Final Exponentiation
  4.4. Final Exponentiation
 5. Computation Experiment
 6. Comparison
 7. Conclusion


  • Intae Kim Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Hongik University, Republic of Korea
  • Seong Oun Hwang Department of Computer and Information Communications Engineering, Hongik University, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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