

The Diachronic Development of Grammatical Function of That and That-clauses


Jimi Song

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to explore how the grammatical function of that-clauses has been changed since Old English. The diachronic development of that-clauses shows that the complementizer that was developed from the determiner that from the Germanic period, then the complementizer that in Old English extended to the relativizer that of relative clauses from the early Middle English period. In addition, from the late Old English period, to-infinitive clauses began to substitute that-clauses and usage of to-infinitive clauses spread in the Middle English period at the expense of that-clauses. Meanwhile, gerund clauses as well as to-infinitive clauses started replacing that-clauses in the early Modern English period and keep this trend going on. As a result, the diachronic developmental processes in the grammatical function of that are as the following: the determiner that>the complementizer that in that-clauses>the relativizer that in relative clauses, and to-infinitive clauses and gerund clauses were substituted for that-clauses.


 1. Introduction
 2. The development of that-clauses
 3. The development of the relativizer that
 4. The derivation of to-infinitive clauses
 5. The derivation of gerund clauses
 6. Concluding remarks


  • Jimi Song Busan University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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