

Reading Strategy and Actual Performance : A Case Study of a Korean Student


Sang Kyo Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate a L2 learner’s patterns of reading strategy use and the learner’s actual strategy use while reading English texts. Three methods were employed for data collection. The strategy checklist was used to figure out the participant’s awareness of strategy use; recall protocol was used to examine the participant’s actual strategy use; and the interview was carried out to find the participant’s perceptions of reading strategy use. The results revealed that the participant employed a wide range of three types of strategies(global reading strategy, problem-solving strategy, and support strategy). She used global reading strategy more frequently than the others. She used seven types of global reading strategy, five types of problem-solving strategy, and three types of support strategy. The results also showed that the participant’s self-awareness of strategy use well matched with her actual strategy use while reading.


 1. Introduction
 2. Review of literature
 3. Research method
  3.1. Research design
  3.2. Participant
  3.3. Materials
  3.4. Data collection and analysis
 4. Results
  4.1. Findings from the checklist
  4.2. Findings from the recall protocol tasks
  4.3. Findings from the interview
 5. Discussion and conclusion


  • Sang Kyo Lee Duksung Women’s University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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