A Proposal about the Management System of Fair Contract for Collaboration Economic-ecosystem - A Proposal about New Notarial-system and Litigation Acting system for Fair Contract -
Large and small company, government and businesses must contract to supply goods and services in economic-ecosystem world. I suggest new notary system is required in the process of implementing the agreement and the contract. And I propose a law to improve that named ‘fair contract pubic lawyer’ can litigate about unfair trade that is find himself at notarized document with company support organization.
I. 서론
II. 기본 개념
1. 계약과 계약이행의 일반적인 과정
2. 공정계약 관리제도 기본 개념
III. 계약이행 과정에서 불공정 행위
IV. 공정계약 공증제도
1. 공증제도 현황
2. 공정계약 공증제도 방향
V. 공정계약 국선변호제도
VI. 결론