

신문사의 이데올로기와 헤드라인 번역 : 한일번역과 한영번역 비교를 중심으로


Ideology and Headline Translation of Newspaper Companies : Focusing on the Comparison between Korean-Japanese and Korean-English Translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Newspaper genre cannot publish facts and realities as they are in a transparent manner. That is, the news portrayed through reports are not facts impartial but a product of ideology reconstructed with the value and belief of specific social groups. Especially, reporting matters in which the ideology of progress and conservation collide may show differences in discourse reports by the ideologies the newspaper company pursues. In Korea, where conservative discourses had governed, we see progressive discourse coexisting with conservative discourse by the late 1980s when was first published. Especially, since 1988, as the press became democratized and opened, discourses of North Korea reports consistent with anti-communism and anti-North Korean ideology reports face variation. This study aims at comparing the headlines of , , and , three representative conservative newspapers in Korea and , a progressive newspaper regarding North Korea related reports so that it can check if differences exist among “discourse reporting.” Furthermore, the study also aims at comparing and analyzing, in a qualitative manner, the extent to which ideology between progressive and conservative press is reflected in Korean-Japanese translation and Korean-English translation of headline reports related to North Korea.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 헤드라인과 신문사의 이데올로기
  2.2. 이데올로기와 신화(myth)
  2.3. 번역에서의 프레임과 내러티브
 3. 분석
  3.1.한국의 진보신문 vs. 보수신문
  3.2. 일본 신문 vs. 영어권 신문
  3.3. 번역 분석
 4. 결론


  • 박미정 Park, Mi-jung. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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