

중한 소설번역에서 나타나는 "텍스트 기형화 경향" 분석 - <이혼 지침서>를 중심으로 -


Analysis of text deforming tendenies in Korean-Chinese novel translations : Focusing on ‘Divorce Guidelines’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Berman, translation is not something through which a translator absorbs or subordinates a culture into his/her own culture, but he/she constitutes an intermediary space between two equal cultures. He claims that a true translator is to play an ethical role in between. Thus, translators’ text-deforming tendencies should be avoided. This paper, based upon Berman’s theory of text deforming, studied cases of text deforming easily found in translating Chinese novels into Korean. As a result, text deforming was characterized mainly by three aspects: first, cases in which translators produced inconsistent texts after expanding the texts and destroying the systematicity of the source texts; second, cases of excessive domestication; and. third, cases of trying to translate without considering textual rhythm. As a conclusion, translators should bear in mind that translation tends to deform source texts, and thus, translators of novels should opt for an appropriate strategy for translation.


 1. 서론
 2. 문학번역의 특수성과 베르만
 3. 중한 소설번역의 텍스트 기형화 분석
  3.1. 텍스트 확장
  3.2. 텍스트의 과잉 자국화(Domestication)
  3.3. 텍스트 리듬의 파괴
 4. 결론


  • 김진아 Kim, Jin-a.. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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