

한국어교육에서 학습자의 능동적 참여를 위한 문학교육 방법 연구 - 반응 중심 문학교육의 비판적 수용을 바탕으로 -


A Study on Methods of Teaching Literature to Learners' Active Participation in Korean Language Education - Based on the Critical Acceptance of ‘Response-based on Literature Education’ -.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Young Yun. 2013. A Study on Methods of Teaching Literature to Learners' Active Participation in Korean Language Education - Based on the Critical Acceptance of ‘Response-based on Literature Education’ -. The Language and Culture 9-2: 215-243. Literature education should lead to individual and diverse appreciations of learners’ about literature. But most of the literature classes in Korean language education, have learners simply find out answers to a few questions. This method is to teach for ‘knowledge’, and is a ‘teacher-centered instruction’. Learners should not be ignored the pleasure of literature. The purpose of this study is to lead learners to various responses on the literature and share the responses with each other. This is learner-centered instruction and to lead to active participation for them. For this purpose, at first the author critically review the theory of ‘response-based Literature education’ set by Rosenblatt. And then the author analyze the problems concerning the method of teaching literature in Korean language education. Lastly the author construct a model which suggest 5-step-class instruction, and then show an example of the model, Yoon, Dong-ju's ‘Prologue’. Response-based Literature education could be useful for Korean learners who have various nationalities, social and cultural backgrounds. Various responses on literature make their classes more interesting. The transaction among learners would help them to understand for the intercultural. (Honam University)


 1. 서론
 2. 반응 중심 문학교육에 대한 이론적 고찰
  2.1 학습자의 개별적이고 창의적인 감상으로서의 ‘반응’
  2.2 능동적인 문학 읽기를 위한 ‘거래’와 거래를 통한 해석의 타당성
  2.3 문학 읽기의 즐거움을 위한 ‘심미적 독서’
 3. 한국어 교재 분석을 통한 문학교육 방법의 문제점
 4. 학습자의 능동적 참여를 위한 반응 중심 문학교육의 실제
  4.1 반응 중심 문학 수업의 원리 및 수업 모형
  4.2 한국어 학습자를 위한 반응 중심 문학 수업
 5. 결론


  • 윤영 Young Yun.. 호남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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