

Section A : Computing and Communications

An Energy-efficient Routing Protocol using Message Success Rate in Wireless Sensor Networks


Min Yoon, Yong-Ki Kim, Jae-woo Chang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been broadly studied in ubiquitous computing environments. In WSN, it is important to reduce communication overhead by using an energy-efficient routing protocol because the resources of the sensor node are limited. Although there exist some cluster-based routing protocols, they have some problems. First, the random selection of a cluster head incurs a node concentration problem. Secondly, they have a low reliability for data communication due to the less consideration of node communication range. Finally, data communication overhead is greatly increased while constructing clusters. To solve these problems, we, in this paper, propose a new energy-efficient routing protocol using message success rate. To resolve the node concentration problem, we design a new cluster head selection algorithm based on node connectivity and devise cluster maintenance algorithms. Moreover, to guarantee data communication reliability, we use message success rate, which is one of popular measures for data communication reliability, in order to select a routing path. Finally, to reduce data communication overhead, we use only the information of neighboring nodes during both cluster construction and cluster head selection phases. Through our performance analysis, we show that our protocol outperforms existing schemes in terms of communication reliability and energy efficiency.


 II. RELATED WORKThere exists much research in the field of
  A. Network information generation
  B. Cluster head selection
  C. Cluster formation
  D. Data transmission
  E. Cluster Management
  A. Experiment setup
  B. Cluster weight
  C. Cluster efficiency
  D. Energy efficiency
  E. Reponse reliability


  • Min Yoon Dept. of Computer Engineering Chonbuk National University Jeonju, Jeonbuk, South Korea
  • Yong-Ki Kim Dept. of R&D System Development, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Daejeon, South Korea
  • Jae-woo Chang Dept. of Computer Engineering Chonbuk National University Jeonju, Jeonbuk, South Korea


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