

崔致遠의 出生年度 및 科擧及第時 年齡 再考


A study on Choi Chi-Won’s birth year and the age of success in imperial examination

최치원의 출생연도 및 과거급제시 연령 재고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There are two main views on Choi Chi-Won’s birth year and the age of success in imperial examination until now. One is that Choi Chi-Won was born in 857 and had succeeded in imperial examination when he was 18; the other is that Choi Chi-Won was born in 855 and had succeeded in imperial examination when he was 20. Although many later literatures support it, the former view is inconsistent with the fact that Choi Chi-Won had been living in Tang Empire for 18 years as the record in his autobiography. On the contrary, although the latter view wasn’t of the same opinion in later literature, it basically tallied with Choi Chi-Won’s autobiography. After making research on the institutionally election system of Tang Empire and some words and phrases in the historical literatures, we consider that Choi Chi-Won most probably was born in 855 and had succeeded in imperial examination when he was 20.


本文针对崔致远的出生年份及其及第年龄这一问题,尤其是对'857年出 生、18岁及第说'和'855年出生、20岁及第说'的各种论点和症结进行了再考 论。对于'857年出生、18岁及第说',虽然不少的后世文献记录都为其提供 了根据,但它与崔致远自述中所说“在唐生活了18年”这一事实并不相符, 这是决定性的一点。反之,'855年出生、20岁及第说'虽与后世文献的一些 记录不相符,但基本上能与崔致远的自述相吻合,然而还需要通过对当时 的制度或某些词汇的解释进行补充说明。两种说法虽然都存在一些症结或 疑问,但从对这些问题的解释上来看,'855年出生说'比'857年出生说'更具 有合理性。


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 857년 출생, 18세 급제설
 Ⅲ. 855년 출생, 20세 급제설
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 이황진 Lee Hwang Jin. 단국대학교 국어국문학과 연구전담 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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