As a result of advenced research, Penicillium growth inhibition effect in media of cauliflower mushroom by different LED lighting color inhibited all treated groups, but blue wavelength treatment group was unfitted for culture of cauliflower mushroom due to lots of spore of penicillium. So, to investigated characteristics of mycelial growth of cauliflower mushroom according to different LED wavelength and LED wavelength color. As a results, all red wavelength treatment groups found highest mycelial growth tendency. Thus, mycelial growth investigated different quantity of red lighting wavelength conditions. The quantity of lighting wavelength was low intention, 1.41 μmol/m2S treatment group found highest mycelial growth. Effects of mycelial growth by subculture found difference of statistical in one time to carry out a subculture treatment group. Mycelial growth by different quantity of LED lighting in different media composition of wood chip media indicated highest trend in the Korean pine treatment groups. To cultured treatment group for 84th days found difference of statistical, when a quantity of LED lighting red wavelength 2.11 μmol/m2S treated in wood chip of the Korean pine media. In conclusion, good culture condition of cauliflower mushroom estimated quantity of red lighting wavelength 2.11 μmol/m2S in wood chip media of the Korean pine for 84th days.
재료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
LED 조명색이 꽃송이버섯 배지내 푸른곰팡이 생육억제 효과
LED 조명색이 꽃송이버섯 균사생장에 미치는 영향
LED 광량처리가 꽃송이버섯 균사생장에 미치는 영향
감사의 글