

Industry Activation Scheme through mVoIP Technology Trends and Market Analysis



The mVoIP service is the technology which focuses on the wireless data service as the IP network having the transmission rate of 100 Mbps classes on the high-speed middle of movement through the WiFi, WiBro and 3G mobile radio communication network, and etc. and is developed. Since 2010, the mVoIP (mobile VoIP) service shows the rapid growth due to 4G-LTE service seriously disclosed from July with the Smart phone and 2,011 it begins to be rapidly popularized. In this research, additionally the mVoIP service industry activation plan is presented with the trends of technology development including the chip-set/module/terminal, etc. based upon local and foreign market trend searchlight through the market demand analysis. The mVoIP service downloads App to the mobile apparatus and or can provide the service as the software through the WiFi network. Therefore, the change which is large in the products development aspect is to be have no. Expected to is being provided as the added service in the case of 4G-LTE as a matter of course, the service deployment where it is based on the market principle and demand needs is needed.


 2. mVoIP Technology Development Trends
  2.1. Chip set and Modules
  2.2. User Terminal Devices
  3.1. Market Demand Analysis
  3.2. Global Vender Business Trends
  4.1. Service Addressing Regulatory Issues and Trends
  4.2. Ramifications and Implications in Accordance with the Regulatory
  4.3. mVoIP Service Activation Issues


  • Se-Hwan Park Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
  • Jong-Kyu Park Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
  • Cheong-Ghil Kim Department of Computer Science, Namseoul University, Korea


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