


Physician's Desk Reference에 나타난 인종차이 분석


Analysis of Ethnic Differences in Physician's Desk Reference

김은정, 이경은, 곽혜선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: The aim of study was to investigate the racial or ethnic differences in FDA-approved medications. Methods: Data on racial-based differences of drugs in PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) were analyzed by searching with keywords, “ETHNIC” and “RACE”. Results: There were descriptions related to “ETHNIC” in product directions of 53 cases and “RACE” in 266 cases in 2010 PDR. After excluding 30 cases of duplicates, 289 cases were shown of which 28 cases were verified to demonstrate racial or ethnic differences. Drug category showing the higher racial or ethnic differences was cardiovascular drugs (7), followed by alimentary tract and metabolism drugs (6), nervous system drugs (5), and antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (3). Pharmacokinetic differences between race and ethnicity were observed most frequently; differences in AUC or Cmax showed in 15 drugs and clearance differences in 7 drugs. Conclusions: This study identified the racial differences in medication usage in PDR. Therefore, the results can contribute to safe use of medication in real clinical settings in regards to the racial or ethnic differences.


 연구 방법
 연구 결과
 고찰 및 결론


  • 김은정 Eun Jung Kim. 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원
  • 이경은 Kyung Eun Lee. 이화여자대학교 약학대학/생명약학부
  • 곽혜선 Hye Sun Gwak. 이화여자대학교 약학대학/생명약학부, 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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