

Nominal Ellipsis with Focus Remnants


Seungwan Ha

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ha, Seungwan. 2013. Nominal Ellipsis with Focus Remnants. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 38-2, 473-492. In this paper, I argue that nominal ellipsis with focus remnants forms a natural class with pseudogapping, in that both constructions involve the focus head bearing the [E] feature, licensing deletion of its sister XP. At first glance, they seem to show different syntactic distributions; nominal ellipsis exhibits multiple remnants which pseudogapping resists. I argue that the difference is just apparent; they involve exactly the same derivation, in that only one constituent may raise to the derived DP/TP-internal focus position. The focus remnant raises to SpecFocP, and the focus head bears the [E] feature licensing NP-ellipsis. I also argue that the DP-internal focus position is flexible in English, as opposed to the previous literature which fixes the focus position between DP and the highest AdjP. The empirical evidence comes from the ordering of various classes of adjectives in DP. Contrastive focus triggers focus preposing of an adjective, resulting in the re-ordering of adjectives. This implies that the focus head can be posited anywhere in the DP-internal position in English. (Kyungpook National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Contrastive Focus in Nominal Ellipsis
  2.1 Pseudogapping vs. Nominal Ellipsis
  2.2 The Focus-based Analysis
  2.3 Adjectives in Nominal Ellipsis
  2.4 Nominal Ellipsis with Multiple Focus Remnants
 3. Derived Focus as a Licensor of Ellipsis
  3.1 Multiple Foci as Remnants
  3.2 Flexible DP-Internal Focus Positions in English
  3.3 [E]-feature Agreement
 4. Conclusion


  • Seungwan Ha Kyungpook National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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