A Study on Elderly Welfare in Constitution
According to the National Statistics Office, Korea already entered aging society, in which the elderly exceeds 7% of the whole popula tion, in the 2000s. It is estimated that it will enter aged society in 2016, where the number is 14% and super aged society in 2026, wh ere the number is 20%. Looking at the Aging Index, which is a co mposite demographic ratio, defined as the percentage between the ol d age population (over 65) and the young population (under 15), Ko rea has doubled from 32.3% in 1999 to 63.5% in 2009. In 2016, the i ndex is expected to be 100.7%, which means that the elderly popula tion exceeds the youth. Korea's aging pace is unprecedented in the world. The increase o f elderly population has the effect of creating new jobs as it opens the era of the silver industry, but it also generates social problems as more elderly are not properly cared. This means that the age of longevity is not a bless and that the government should examine th e elderly welfare from a future oriented and systemic view. Regarding elderly welfare, the Constitution stipulates social welfar e as a social basic right. Based on this, the state legislates and ma nages related laws. Nevertheless, the current elderly welfare system is not effective in substance in pursuing the overall welfare. Theref ore, the establishment of a legal system that secures medical syste m, facilitates employment and enlarges welfare infrastructure for the elderly is in need.
Ⅱ. 노인복지를 위한 헌법상 체계와 구조
Ⅲ. 노인복지의 법적 체계와 보장
Ⅳ. 현행 노인복지정책의 문제와 개선방향
Ⅴ. 맺음말