

경호무도로서 공수도의 미학


Aesthetics of Karatedo as Security Guard Martial Art


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research is to define the Aesthetics of Karatedo as Security Guard Martial Art by explore the aesthetics of Karatedo being invigorated as security guard martial art. The first one is beauty of space. The offense and defense of Karatedo as Security Guard Martial art are to fill in, to come out and to move from side to side. It help to have higher judgment. Secondly, it is beauty of time. It is subjective time felt by people training Karatedo. The third on is beauty of unity. We can see formal beauty of unity such as white dogi or black suit of security guard and dynamic beauty of unity such as quick and slow, strong and soft or movement of hand and foot. The forth one is beauty of symmetry. It can be shown strongly by triangle or moving of team kata and triangle between athletes and referee at Kumite competition. The fifth one is beauty of balance. It can by shown well by continual Karatedo kick motion, jumping kick motion at Kumite, jumping motion, quick turning, or moving such as standing on one foot at kata. The sixth one is beauty of harmony. The whith Dogi and blue or red guard at Kumite competition shows harmony of yin and yang and we can see also various harmony such as strong and soft, quick and slow, or high and low at Kata competition. The seventh one is beauty of curve. We can see beauty of straight line and curve by watching line of hand and foot from starting point to ending point. Specially, moving line of white dogi shows strongly beauty. The eighth one is beauty of rhythm. The rhythm is specified in Kumite kata competition rules. It is also shown by basic step, left and right step, various moving of foot, continual offense of hand or continual rhythm of offense and defense. The last one is bezuty of ethics. It is manner, duty as human, and moderation being important in Karatedo.


본 연구는 경호무도로서 점차 활성화되고 있는 공수도를 미학적으로 탐색해 봄으로서 공수도가 경호무도로서 가지 고 있는 미학을 정립하고자 하였다. 연구방법은 문헌연구로 공수도, 미학 관련서적과 자료, 논문을 수집, 참고하였다. 첫 째, 공간미이다. 둘째, 시간미이다. 셋째, 통일미이다. 넷째, 대칭미이다. 다섯째, 균형미이다. 여섯째, 조화미이다. 일곱째, 곡선미이다. 여덟째, 리듬미이다. 아홉째, 도덕미이다. 이러한 경호무도로서 공수도의 미학을 연구함으로 내재적 아름다 움과 철학, 윤리를 갖춘 경호원과 경호무도로서 발전될 것으로 사료된다.


 1. 서론
 2. 공수도의 정의와 이해
 3. 경호무도로서의 공수도
 4. 미학의 이해
 5. 경호무도로서 공수도의 미학
 6. 결론


  • 정일홍 Jeang Il Hong. 중부대학교 경찰경호학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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