

일제강점기 光州邑城 內의 경관변화


Landscape Changes in Gwangju eupseong under the Rule of Japanese Colonialism

제강점기 광주읍성 내의 경관변화


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A study on the urban landscape change is one of the main study subject of the geographer concerned in the landscape. Gwangju eupseong is known to constructed from the end of the Korean Dynasty to beginning of the Joseon Dynasty but a Specific records is not being informed. Gwangju eupseong is known to demolish from 1907 to 1910, but some of the castle had existed after 1912 it is marked at 1912 cadastral map. Because Joseon Dynasty government office building almost disappeared during the Rule of Japanese Colonialism it is difficult to identify the location. The Government office building(Gwan-a) was used as Jeonnam provincial government building and Gaeksa was used as the district court. Lands in Gwangju eupseong in 1912 existed in some of field at Dongmun-tong(동문통), Gung-Jeong(궁정), donggwangsan-jeong(동 광산정) but all was converted to ground in the 1920s. Lands were differentiated the homes and shops around Geumnamro and chungjangro. Chungjangro and Geumnamro became commercial function's area and Seomun-tong(서문통) became a residential area. The primary axis of the road in Gwangju eupseong was the Joseon Dynasty's road to connect the four gates. With establishment of the Gwangju Station in 1922, the opening of new roads connecting from Gwangju Station to Jeonnam provincial government building have been constructed Geumnamro in Gwangju eupseong and it served as the center of the road In Gwangju eupseong. Owned land in Gwangju eupseong showed deferent case to other eupseong regions. At the other regions Japanese was entered into eupseong since it was demolished because eupseong set boundary to Japanese and Korean's residential districts. Before this period in 1905, a Japanese store was opened in Gwangju eupseong. On the basis of cadastral at 1912 land ownership in Gwangju eupseong was owned by the Japanese much of the estate. Functions in Eupseong was changed from the administration and the military in the Joseon Dynasty, to the administrative functions and commercial functions in the Rule of Japanese Colonialism. Diverse Joseon Dynasty's hyangcheong functions integrated and many of the areas was rapidly replaced by a commercial function areas. Because Japanese people, especially in the process of national land disposed occupied, lands in Gwangju eupseong was transformed into a Japanese commercial areas. In conclusion, Japanese firstly recognized advanced cultures and urban functions was occupied lands in Gwangju eupseong. Commercial capabilities and administrative functions as the hub of Gwangju developed during the Rule of Japanese Colonialism and the current generation is reached.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 광주읍성의 축성과 철거
 Ⅲ. 읍성 내 공간의 역사지리적 복원
 Ⅳ. 읍성 내의 토지이용 변화
 Ⅴ. 읍성 내의 도로경관의 변화
 Ⅵ. 읍성 내의 토지소유의 변화
 Ⅶ. 읍성 내의 기능 변화
 Ⅷ. 결론


  • 조정규 Jo, Jeong-Kyu. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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