

고려 穆宗12년의 정변과 康兆의 역할


Kang Jo’s Role in “Kang Jo’s Takeover” in the Twelfth Year of Mokjong’s Reign

고려 목종12년의 정변과 강조의 역할


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to reinterpret the characteristics of “Kang Jo’s Takeover” by critically analyzing the records in Goryeosa about the overthrow in the twelfth year of King Mokjong’s reign. Before the overthrow, Kang Jo, who was the Jungchusa and the Subukmyun-Dosungumsa, had the substantive power to influence King Hyunjong’s accession to the throne. Therefore, this study will deepen understanding about the political history in the reign of King Mokjong and King Hyunjong and also the military force during the early days of the Goryeo dynasty. To explore these issues, this paper examines the consistency problem in the records about the overthrow. As a result, this paper raises a question about the existence of the rebellion of Kim Chiyang and the main agent of King Hyunjong’s takeover—whether the main agent of the takeover was Kang Jo. King Hyunjong and his allies plotted the overthrow in the course of his accession and reign. On the other hand, Kang Jo was only in command of the military as the Jungchusa and the Subukmyun-Dosungumsa. In view of these circumstances, “Kang Jo’s Takeover” should be reexamined as King Hyunjong and his allies, not Kang Jo, took charge of the takeover. That is, the overthrow of King Mokjong was “the coup” led by King Hyunjong and his allies. During this period, the authority of Jungchuwon over military command was shown in the later establishment of Jungchuwon and Jungbang, as well as the power relationship during Kim Hoon and Choi Jill’s rebellion. Thus, the agent and the characteristics of “Kang Jo’s Takeover” should be reinterpreted.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 목종 12년 정변의 전개과정과 그 주체세력
 Ⅲ. 강조의 집권과 그 세력의 성격
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 장종진 Jang, Jongjin. 서강대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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