No Myoung-suk’s Life and Novel World
No Myoung-suk(盧命錫, 1947~1990) was an unprolific writer, but wrote a high-class works. He succeed to the story traditions(folk song and story), embodied a neglected class of people in modern society and narrated the meanings of war. He stuck fiercely to awareness of social reality, commanded a simple and clear style. His novel world was comprised of two thematic consciousness, that is to say the memory of origin and the shade of a modernization. The memory of origin is expressed in the narratives of a hometown and a family. First, these novels express the custom and faith in a farming community(ex. The No-Deul Riverside, a dragon hunting). Second, these novels express the search for families as a root(ex. the running root, the crown, and so on). The shade of a modernization is expressed in the world of hungry and dizziness. These novels express the isolated life of the petit bourgeois in the city, the violation of human rights in modern facilities for care and custody, and the rumination on a wounds of war. We have to approach his novel world variously in the future. A study on No Myoung-suk’s novel can enrich a study on the history of korean modern literature. Also it will suggest a new key of a study on modern novel in Youngnam region. we eagerly anticipate that this study will become a base of a study on No Myoung-suk’s novel.
Ⅱ. 문학적 생애
Ⅲ. 시원에 대한 기억: 고향과 가족 서사
1. 농경 공동체의 풍속과 신앙
2. 뿌리로서의 가족 찾기
Ⅳ. 근대화의 그늘: 허기와 현기증의 세계
1. 도시 소시민의 소외된 삶
2. 근대 감호 시설의 인권 유린
3. 전쟁의 상흔 반추하기
Ⅴ. 결론