


연재5. 올바른 저자 표시와 동료 심사


Series 5. Proper Authorships and Reer Review


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to explore authorship and peer review that we are able to catch a glimpse of one side of the rights and duties of researchers. First, it was examined what is ethics to be observed in general when researchers would present research results, and then, the meaning of authorship, the conditions and criteria of author, the order of author, improper authorships, and the criteria of acknowledgement when the research results were announced. Second, with regard to the other important role of the researchers, I searched concept and significance of peer review, and discussed the reviewer’s ethics when the researchers would examine papers submitted to journals and research proposals. Through research activities, the researchers may also become the author of the results of their research and sometimes review the research proposal and research results of other researchers as a peer reviewer. To be included as an authentic author on a paper, it is necessary to have made a substantial and new contribution essential to publication of paper, to provide a good faith contribution to writing and/or editing of manuscripts, and to approve the content of the version submitted for publication. Contribution to the publication of a manuscript that do not meet the criteria for authorship should be recognized in the acknowledgements section of the paper. If a paper has more than one author, and assuming all authors meet the "criteria for authorship", then the first author will typically be the person who wrote the first draft of the manuscript, the last author will be the head of research group, and authors listed in between will be listed in order of decreasing contributions to the projects. A reviewer or referee of a manuscripts should judge objectively the quality of the complete manuscript and the supporting information, including the experimental and theoretical data, the interpretations and exposition, with due regard to the maintenance of high scientific and literary standards. And a reviewer should respect the intellectual independence of the authors.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  1. 연구 결과의 발표(출판)에서 지켜야할 윤리
  2. 저자란 누구인가? 정당한 저자 자격의 요건
  3. 동료 심사
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 이인재 In Jae Lee. 서울교육대학교 윤리교육과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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