


진안고원 초기청자의 등장배경 연구


A Study of the Appearance of Early Celadons in the Jinan Height


전북사학회 전북사학 제42호 2013.04 pp.107-136
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Saemangeum sea area is a place where inland waterways of the Geum-gang, the Mangyeong-gang, and the Dongjin-gang and their adjacent sea routes have been well constructed. After the opening of the Sadan Route in the East China Sea by Jang Bogo's merchant fleet, Gyeonhuieon had the command of the sea and made most advantages of international diplomacy with Chinese government, Owol. He dispatched the first envoy to Owol in 892, and after he proclaimed the foundation of the new dynasty Hubaekje, he had his position as a king of it approved from the king of Owol in 900. Their close relationship continued for 45 years, and it is estimated that Hubaekje received advanced culture such as celadon making techniques of Yuezhou Kiln from Owol through Saemangeum sea area. Broken pieces of early celadons with halo-shaped foot, uncovered in the Jinan Height, are similar to those excavated at Donggosanseong in Jeonju and the fact that there were brick kilns in the Jinan Height prove the possibility. The Jinan Height is identified as a treasury of pottery kilns and the center of pottery culture. It's maybe deeply related to its natural resource, kaoline, which was formed about 100 million years ago, the last geological period of the Cretaceous of the Mesozoic era, and at that time the Jinan Height was a large lake. The early celadons from Dotong-li and Oieugung-li in Jinan-gun opened the first stage of pottery culture in the Jinan Height and are estimated to have been made first in the period of Hubaekje thanks to the transmission of Owol's advanced celadon-making techniques.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 진안고원 청자요지의 현황과 수습유물
 Ⅲ. 새만금해역 문물교류와 청자기술 유입
 Ⅳ. 진안고원 초기청자의 등장배경과 의미
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 곽장근 Kwak, Chang-Keun. 군산대학교 사학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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