


백제 부흥전쟁기의 옹산성 전투와 그 의미


The Meaning of Ongsan-fortress Battle during the Period of War for Baekje's Reconstruction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the entering of 661, Baekje's Reconstruction Movements were expanded internally due to wining both battles of Duryangi and Gosabi-fortress from March to April. And externally, the situation brightened for them because of Tang's failure of expedition to Goguryeo. But as forces of the Movements had not recovered Sabi and Woongjin from Silla they needed to seek diversified methods. Also, as the aftermath of expedition to Goguryeo, Dang's troops in Baekje couldn't assure independent survival. Thus negotiations between the forces of the Movements and Dang's troops were under way to seek their's compromise.But Silla accepted these negotiations. As the crisis for it thought that Baekje's situation would change according to these negotiations. Silla didn't want this. So it returned to Movements expeditionary force toward Goguryeo to rescue the Dang's troops. Silla took on 27th September the Ongsan-fortress which located in important point on a traffic route linking between the Silla and forces of Dang. So, it dealt a blow to Baekje's forces, and it was supposed to break off diplomatic relations between Baekje and Tang. Therefore it reestablished the relationship with Silla and Dang.As a result, Baekje's forces had large problems with schedule of nation reconstruction. With the return and ascension to the throne of Buyeopoong on September, they tried to revive the their country through the organic network of regional forces. But it's efforts are interfered by the capture of Ongsan-fortress. Furthermore, this leaded to a result that a part of regional forces of the Movements surrendered to Silla, and so their solidarity was damaged.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 옹산성의 위치와 지정학적 의미
 Ⅲ. 옹산성 전투 이전 백제 지역의 정세
 Ⅳ. 옹산성 전투의 전개와 결과
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김병남 Kim, Byung-Nam. 국가기록원 학예연구사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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