

러시아의 통번역 연구 고찰


Research trends of translation and interpretation studies in Russia. Interpreting and Translation Studies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to explore the research trends of translation and interpretation studies in Russia and to introduce Korean researchers to the Russian scholars' achievements in this area, including books, articles, periodicals. For this purpose, all the data have been collected from the reference lists of the books, articles and from related internet sites. Then, the data were analyzed by 2 points of view - first, by diachronic quantitative analysis and second, by thematic view. From the point of diachronic quantitative view, we can find chronological changes of Russian Translation and Interpretation Studies during 1950-2000 years. And from the point of thematic analysis, I categorized the researches into 9 main themes, such as Translation Theory, Translation History, Literature Translation, Machine Translation and Scientific-Technical Translation, Method of Teaching Translation, Lexicography, Linguistic Translation Studies, Translation Practice, and Interpretation Studies. On conclusion, this paper describes specific features of Russian translation research trends and compares them with Korea's. As a result of the research, this paper provides the list of more than 350 Russian scholars' works.


 1. 서론
 2. 러시아 통번역 연구 동향 조사
  2.1. 시기별 연구 동향
  2.2. 분야별 연구 동향
  2.3 러시아 통번역학 연구의 특성
 3. 맺음말
 러시아 통번역학 서지목록


  • 서유경 Seo, You-kyung. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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