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Improvement of Dimensional Stability of Acacia mangium Wood by Heat Treatment : A Case Study of Vietnam


Tran Van Chu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Fast-grown wood generally contains a high proportion of juvenile wood that results in inferior dimensional stability and durability against biological deteriorations. In the present research, the Acacia mangium wood from plantation forests in Vietnam was treated with high temperature in air. The effects of heat treatment on physical properties of Acacia mangium wood, including mass loss (ML), water absorption (WA), water-repellent effectiveness (WRE) and anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) were examined. The results showed that the dimensional stability and the water-repellent effectiveness are increased by about 15-46% and 8-18%, respectively. However, the mass and dimension of wood are decreased. The results also indicated that both treatment temperature and treatment duration significantly affect the wood properties of Acacia mangium. It is thus concluded that heat treatment demonstrates an interesting potential to improve the wood quality of Acacia mangium for solid timber products. This technology provides an environmentally safe method of protecting sustainable common woods to give a new generation of value-added biomaterials with increased stability without the use of toxic chemicals.


 Materials and Methods
  The heat treatment processes
  The main tested properties
 Results and Discussion
  The change in weight and dimension of the Acacia mangium wood samples before and after the heat treatment
  Water uptake (WA) and water repellent efficiency(WRE) of the heat treated
  Anti-swelling coefficient (ASE)


  • Tran Van Chu Department of Wood Processing, Forestry University of Vietnam, Xuan Mai Town, Chuong My Distric, Hanoi, Vietnam


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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