

φ-features and Discourse-agreement features


Sungran Koh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“φ-features and Discourse-agreement features.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 39. 2 (2013): 121-151. Agreement is one of the most familiar and well-studied parts of grammar. Many languages have distinct patterns depending on a range of language families. In general, some languages have been identified as an agreement-based language, whereas others are discourse-configurational languages. Miyagawa (2005) has categorized languages as agreement or focus prominent, depending on the type of grammatical features (discourse or agreement) they allow to inherit from C to T. Some languages have been identified as agreement-based languages, highlighting agreement markings such as in English. On the other hand, other languages are discourse-configurational languages, emphasizing on discourse functions such as in Japanese. Miyagawa (2010) argues that in agreement languages, the φ-probe triggers movement at T, whereas in discourse-configurational languages, topic/focus triggers movement at T. The φ-feature agreement and topic/focus are computationally equivalent in narrow syntax. Miyagawa (2010) claims that Korean is considered as a discourse-configurational language. However, in this paper, I claim that there is a third category which has both agreement and discourse features and that Korean is an example of this type of language. To support this, I analyze Korean as a discourse-prominent language by using Miyagawa's (2010) proposal. The analyses are based on the following: Subject agreement, Inheritance of topic/focus features from C to T, and Pro-drop. At the same time, I suggest that Korean is also an agreement-prominent language through imperatives and promissives, honorification, and the blocking effect. My analyses justify my theory of combination languages which are based on both agreement features and discourse features.


 I. Introduction
 II. The existence of agreement
  2.1. I(nverse)-agreement without AGREE
  2.2 Functional Relation
 III. Discourse-agreement features
  3.1 Discourse-related features
  3.2 Agreement and Topic/Focus parameter
 IV. Discourse and agreement features in Korean
  4.1 Korean as a discourse-prominent language
  4.2 Korean as an agreement-prominent language
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Sungran Koh UC Santa Barbara


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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