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“Jitney: A Postcolonial Reading.”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jitney: A Postcolonial Reading.” Studies in English Language & Literature 39.2 (2013): 21-40. August Wilson has written ten cycles plays that deal with African Americans' experiences of the twentieth century since Emancipation. Jitney is the 9th work set in 1970s among them. Jitney shows three types which are main issues of postcolonial discourse, which are the replacing of the Canon, the searching of traditional black cultures, and the correct setting of black history. The replacing of the Canon is shown through characters who deconstruct and develop blacks' stereotypes assigned by white people. The searching of traditional black cultures is shown through blues which includes the cultural responses of black people in America as a philosophical system containing ideas and attitudes of them. The correct setting of black history is shown through their independent life which characters like Youngblood and Booster build blacks' new image and help one another in black community. Jitney is the work projected for the life of universal black people, the recreation of perfect Pittsburgh, and the history by black people, for black people, and of black people.


 I. 서론
 II. 본론
  2.1 새로운 흑인상
  2.2 산문으로 된 블루스
  2.3 흑인공동체의 삶
 III. 결론


  • 박부순 Park, Busoon. 전북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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