


가족 간 호칭의 한일 대조연구




피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Contrastive Study on the Address Terms for Family Members in Korean and Japanese This paper carried out a survey on the use of the address terms for family members in Korean and Japanese university students. This paper conducted a contrastive analysis of the investigation outcomes from an angle of sociolinguistics. The important findings are summarized as follows. First, the most commonly used address terms for grandmother is halmeoni(grandmother) in Korean and obaachan(grandmother) in Japanese. Second, unmarried Korean sons and daughters respectively use appa (father) and eomma (mother) most commonly as the address term for father and mother. On the other hand, unmarried Japanese sons and daughters call their father and mother otoosan (father) and okaasan (mother), and married Japanese sons most frequently address their mother as obaachan (grandmother) from the viewpoint of the youngest family member. Third, for the address term for mother-in-law, eomeonim (honorific form of mother) is most frequently called in Korean, however, obaachan (grandmother) is most commonly used from the point of view of the youngest family member in Japanese. Fourth, as the address term for daughter-in-law, emi (plain form of mother) or teknonymy and daughter in law's first-name+san are most commonly used in Korean and Japanese, respectively. Fifth, in the two countries parents call their sons their first-name. In particular, 20 percents of Japanese parents respectively use oniichan (elder brother) and otoosan (father) as the address term for unmarried and married son from the point of view of the youngest family member. Finally, for the address term for spouse, yeobo (honey), jagi (darling) and teknonymy are usually used in Korean. On the other hand, otoosan (father) and okaasan (mother) are generally used for the this term in Japan from the viewpoint of the youngest family member.


本稿では、日韓両国の大学生を対象に、家族間の呼称の実態を調査し、その結果を社会言語学的な立場から対照分析した。主な結果をまとめると次の通りになる。 (1) 祖母の呼称の場合、韓国語では「ハルモニ」を多く使い、日本語では「おばあちゃん」を多く使う。 (2) 未婚の子女が親を呼ぶ場合、韓国語では男女ともに「アッパ」「オンマ」を多く使い、日本語では「おとうさん」と「おかあさん」を多く使う。しかし、結婚した子女が母親を呼ぶ場合、最年少者視点呼称である「おばあちゃん」を最も多く使う。 (3) 姑の呼称の場合、韓国語では「オモニム」を多く使うが、日本語では最年少視点呼称である「おばあちゃん」を多く使用する。 (4) 嫁の呼称の場合、韓国語では「エミ」と「子女の名前+エミ」のようなテクノニミーを多く使い、日本語では「名前+さん」を多く使い、最年少視点呼称である「おかあさん」を補助的に使う。 (5) 子女は両国ともに名前で呼ぶことが多いが、日本語の場合、最年少者視点呼称であ「おにいちゃん」(未婚)と「おとうさん」(既婚者)も20%程度使われている。 (6) 配偶者の呼称の場合、韓国語では「ヨボ」「ジャギ」、そしてテクノニミーを多く使い、日本語では最年少者視点呼称である「おとうさん」と「おかあさん」を多く使う。


I. 머리말
 II. 한일 양 언어의 가족호칭의 특징
 III. 가족호칭의 표준화법
 IV. 선행연구의 검토
 V. 조사의 개요 및 방법
  5.1 조사 개요
  5.2 조사 방법
 VI. 조사의 결과 및 고찰
  6.1 조모 호칭
  6.2 부모 호칭
  6.3 시어머니 호칭
  6.4 자녀(장남) 호칭
  6.5 며느리 호칭
  6.6 배우자 호칭
 VII. 맺음말


  • 홍민표 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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