


국한문체(國漢文體) 번안소설(翻案小說)의 등장과 그 의미 -「‘小’의 暗影」을 중심으로


国漢文体翻案小説の登場とその意味 ―「‘小’의 暗影」を中心に

국한문체(國漢文體) 번안소설(翻案小說)의 등장과 그 의미 -「‘소’의 암영」을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Appearance of an Adaptation of a Novel which Has a Mixed Style of Writing Korean with Chinese Characters in it and the Meaning of it ―around a Shadow of ‘So’― The purpose of this paper is to investigate the background of the advent of an adapted story in Korean-Chinese characters and its significance from the perspective of the history of literature. The original text of “ 小's 暗影” is “ Shonoomokage(其面影)”. The biggest changes between “ 小's 暗影” and “ Shonoomokage” is the transformation of a figure Sayoko (Jung Ja). Sayoko showed an image of a modern woman. She never compromised on love and was very independent. However her image has changed to melodramatic image. This change is closely related to the change of book title from “Shonoomokage” to “ 小's 暗影”. Since the first issue of Dong-A Ilbo was published, all the adaptations used Korean characters, whereas “ 小's 暗影” used Korean-Chinese characters quite exceptionally. “ 小's 暗影” published on the front page with editorial or political articles bears conclusive witness for that fact. “ 小's 暗影” is an apt example that shows a corelation between the contents of novels, readers and styles.


本稿の目的は、󰡔東亜日報󰡕に連載された翻案小説「‘小’의 暗影」を中心に、国漢文混用体翻案小説の登場過程とその文学史的意味を明らかにすることである。「‘小’의暗影」の原作は、二葉亭四迷の「其面影」である。二つの作品を比較するにあたって目立つのは、女性像の変化である。その変化は作品の題名の変化とも密接な関わりを持つものである。創刊以来、󰡔東亜日報󰡕に掲載された全ての翻案小説が国文体を採用するなか、「‘小’의 暗影」が国漢文混用体で書かれたことは極めて例外的なことである。「‘小’의 暗影」は、知識人を主な読者層として想定しており、論説や政治に関する記事等とともに新聞の1面に掲載されたということは、それを裏付ける何よりの証拠である。「‘小’의 暗影」は、作品の内容と文体、及び読者がどのように関わっているかを考える上で格好の材料と言えよう。


I. 들어가며
 II. 번안 과정 연구
  1. 번안의 방향
  2. 등장인물 성격의 굴절
  3. 무인칭 화자에 의한 서술의 삭제
  4. 한자어의 활용과 변이
 III. ‘小’의 暗影」의 등장과 그 의미


  • 노혜경 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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