


『동트기 전(夜明け前)』을 둘러싼 장편소설 공방, 그리고 ‘일본’




피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Discussion on the novel Before Daybreak, and ‘Japan’ Shimazaki Toson dealed with Modern Japanese problematics consistently in his novels, Destruction, Home, and Before Daybreak, etc. Through these novels, themes like discrimination of modern Japan, the problems of collapsed traditional home by modern civilization, and the critical perspective toward modern Japan are issued and discussed contemporaneously and afterward. This article analyzed the narrative structure that there is a disjunction between historical time and individual story. The novel Before Daybreak is based on the documentary diary Daikokuya-diary, which recorded the substances and incidents of early modern Japan or so. Consequently this text follows the historical recordings. By the way, individual story does not match with this historical recordings, so the narrative of this novel demonstrated two paralled narratives. In the last of this novel, Han-jo, the main character of this novel, died from madness. After this, the individual story was absorbed into the historical flow. The thing left in the text is absolute ‘Japan’ whose image is exclusive and idealistic. This notion of Japan disturbed the polyphonic narrative of the text, and this image of Japan caused untranslatable ‘Japan’.




I. 머리말
 II. 번역되지 않는 ‘일본’
  1. 사마자키 도손의 유럽 체험과 『동트기 전』
  2.『동트기 전』의 동시대 평 속의 ‘일본’
 III.『동트기 전』을 둘러싼 소설의 ‘장편’ 형식에 대한 논의
  1. 『동트기 전』의 장편 형식에 대한 동시대 평
  2. 『동트기 전』의 장편 형식에 대한 전후의 평
 IV.『동트기 전』의 장편 형식과 근대 일본
  1.「동트기 전」의 장편 형식
  2. 소설의 형식으로 본 근대 일본
 V. 맺음말


  • 김계자 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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