Soviet military government and Japanese Society of postwar Dalian. Japan lost their dominance on Manchuria in August 9, 1945, when Soviet troops defeated Japan and they marched into Manchuria. Japanese immigrant in Manchuria became defeated National refugees and wandered to find a way back home. Meanwhile the Soviet Union almost recovered their power on Manchuria through the Yalta agreement and the Treaty of Friendship between China and the Soviet Union. Under dualistic governance system for organizations, Japanese labor Union was only admitted organization. Japanese in Dalian used to be wealthy and privilege to enjoy luxury life comparing to people in Japan. Moreover they did not go through after war suffering. So it is understandable that they became antipathy to labor union or Community party.
1945年8月9日のソ連軍の進撃で日本は満州での支配権を喪失し、ソ連はヤルター協定と中ソ友好条約によって、日露戦争で失った満州利権の大部分を回復した。大連は、戦闘を経験しないままソ連軍の支配を受けることになり、行政権は中国の市政府にあった。 日本人の組織としては、労働組合だけが認められたが、敗戦直後から満州各地から日本人が移住し、大連の物価は値上がる一方だった。終戦当時、日本本土より裕福な生活を営んでいた日本人たちは、中国とソ連に対しては敗戦意識を持っていなかったゆえ、敗戦国民としての生活の不便をソ連と中国、労働組合に向け反感を抱くことになった。
II. 소련의 참전과 만주
III. 소련군 지배하의 大連
IV. 노동조합의 활동과 大連 일본인사회
V. 맺음말