


‘고대’를 보는 ‘근대’의 지(知)적 회로 ─최남선의 <말>과 <사물> 논리


‘古代’を見る‘近代’の知的回路 -崔南善の<言葉>と<物>の論理


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Intellectual Circuit in Modern times looking at Ancient Times -Choi, Nam-seon’s Logic of Words and Things- Choi, Nam-seon created a new Dangun Mythology under the colonial rule. This paper doesn’t mean the mythology is ‘Dangun’ as a ‘modern discourse’ directly imitating the West, but the mythology was the mythology interpretation as a created ‘Joseon Narrative’ while following Armateras Omikami(goddess of the Sun in Japanese mythology) interpretation as it was, exclusively possessed by Japanese scholars. Looking into it from the present sense, it could be a ‘ fiction’ caused by the fierce ideological offensive & defensive battle reproducing the place of memory as Korean people and the place of memory as Japanese people. However, what is important, Choi, Nam-seon created globality using a ‘New Realizing Language’ while accepting the words and things in Choi, Nam-seon’s perception, that is, the language of ‘Tengri’ and the interpretation of things of ‘megalithic culture.’ The meaning of ‘Language and Idea’ in such manifestation, has the meaning of ‘external eyes’ by Garadani Gojin as suggested in the preface. The problem is the very this point. Chon, Nam-seon created modern ‘Mythology’ adopted the idea through the language and established ‘Meta History’ of new ‘Creation of the World of Spirit’ while discovering the integration with things. The mythology rather implied the de-Nation-State theory which wouldn’t be embraced by an imperial discourse. What we should take note of is that Choi, Nam-seon’s narratives on Dangun connoted the ‘epistemic danger’ of integration between the language and things, and on the other hand, it also partook of the modernity summoning the new past as a mythology. In other words, the mythology suggested the meta-mythology which has to ‘tenaciously interrogate’ in the shaking, say, this mythology could be collected in the magnetic field of a modern Nation-State or it could be reconstituted as a new principal agent.




I. 들어가며
 II. 상황과 주체
 III. 거부에서 전유로: ‘연속성’과 ‘탈연속성’ 사이에서
 IV. 동북아시아의 구성 논리와 ‘동양문화’의 탐구
 V. 조선중심주의적 과거 복원과 근대적 학지
 VI. 나오면서


  • 전성곤 고려대학교 일본연구센터 많연구교수, 일본학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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