

【심포지엄 특집논문】

일본 전쟁영웅의 내러티브 연구




피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Research on the Narrative of Japanese War Heroes This paper summarizes how the narrative of Japanese war heroes is changed and described according to the ages in the syntactic point. In order to trace the narratives on war heroes from the Meiji Era to the year of 1945 including war heroes of the Middle Ages, we targeted the media of newspaper, magazines, movies etc. and novels and dramas for the consideration. And we also argued the situations that the movement of a rightward shift which advanced with the economic decline of Japan revives the war heroes before the lost war. Firstly, we considered Oda Nobunaga and Kusnoki Masashige who were the typical gods of war of suppression and integration. We discussed the fact that in case of Nobunaga, it didn’t receive much attention up to modern times, and in case of Kusnoki Masashige, it didn’t get much attention either to the modern times in spite of varied images but both heroes began to be revered after the modern times. Secondly, we clarified that Nogi Maresuke and Hirose Dakeo, and Tachibana Suta who acted in the war after the modern times became the gods of war in the songs and textbooks and be used in the education. Finally, we reviewed a social background regarding a rightward shift of Japanese society and restoration phenomena of war heroes, and studied novels and movies as to Tojo Hideki as a case thereof. We clarified that Japanese right-turning resulted from the collapse of the innovative powers which have checked conservatives, and hence the situations occur where the matter on the liability of a war is evaded.




I. 머리말
 II. 평정 · 통합의 군신
  1. 오다 노부나가의 영웅화과정
  2. 구스노키 마사시게의 인물상의 변용
 III. 신격화된 전쟁영웅
  1. 메이지기 창가(唱歌)교육과 전쟁 · 전쟁영웅
  2. 일본교과서를 통해서 본 노기장군
 IV. 일본사회의 우경화와 전쟁영웅의 부활
  1. 일본사회의 우경화와 전쟁영웅 부활의 양상
  2. 전후 소설과 영화 속에 나타난 도조
 V. 맺음말


  • 정형 단국대학교 일어일문학과 교수, 일본문학·사상


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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