

Original article

목초액의 표재성진균증 임상치유 효과


Naturopathic Effects of Wood Vinegar Treatments to the Superficial Mycosis

김유복, 이형환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to clinically examine the sterilizing capacity of wood vinegar a natural material to use it for the natural therapy. The sterilizing (antimicrobial activity) capacity of wood vinegar was proved with an experiment and the clinical result was obtained with the foot soaking into it. The wood vinegar is made from the liquid obtained by natural cooling of smoke coming out when the wood becomes the charcoal or by dry distillation of wood chips. For this study, 6 types of wood vinegar (sample 2, 2.2, 3, 4, 5 and 5- 1) were prepared. The study subjects were 167 male dermatophytosis patients and 83 female ones, of whom the patients with dry athlete's foot(psoriasis) were 90(36%), ones with complex symptoms were 60(24.8%), ones with eczema were 42(16.8%) and ones with blister were 41(16.4%). These were separated into 3 groups of A, B and C and the experiment was carried out for 20 months. As the result, 80.8% of them were fully cured, and 19.2% were not. Among them, group C was fully cured up to 90.0%, group A to 84.0% and group B to 73.0%. In the diseases, the psoriasis showed the highest cure rate of 96.6%, the blister 87.7%, 2 or more complex symptoms 74%, the eczema 69% and the toenail 26.6%. In the group A, the blister was fully cured up to 92.8%, the eczema 80%, the psoriasis 95.1%, the toenail 40% and 2 or more complex symptoms 70%; in the group B, the blister was 66.6%, the eczema 55%, the psoriasis 97.3%, the toenail 22.2% and 2 or more complex symptoms 72%; in the group C, the blister was 94.4%, the eczema 100%, the psoriasis 100% and the complex symptoms 82.3%. There was one patient with the toenail in the group C, but the clinical experiment was stopped with 10 treatments. In the group C, the full cure rate was 90% in total. In conclusion, the wood vinegar was demonstrated as a clinically effective agent for healing dermatophytosis soaking feet in the wood vinegar of a plastic bag and also it is possible to develop as a antimicrobial agent.


천연물질인 목초액을 자연치유적으로 이용하기 위하여 목초액의 임상적 연구를 발 담그기법(潛足)으로 수행하 였다. 목초액은 나무가 숯이 될 때 발생되는 연기를 자연 냉각시켜 채취한 액체와, 목재칩을 건류 회수하여 만든 것이 며, 목초액(참나무 5종, 대나무 1종)은 sample 2, 2-2, 3, 4, 5 그리고 5-1을 얻었으며 이를 연구에 사용하였다. 목초액의 항진균 효과 관찰을 위한 임상실험은 표재성진균증 환자 남자 167명, 여자 83명을 대상으로 하였으며, 마른무좀(건선) 이 90명(36%), 복합증상이 60명(24.8%), 습진이 42명(16.8%), 물집(水抱)증상이 41명(16.4%)이었다. 이들을 A, B, C 그룹으로 나누어서 20개월에 걸쳐 실험을 실시한 결과 전체적으로 완치가 80.8%, 완치되지 않은 경우가 19.2%로 나 타났다. 집단에 따라서 살펴보면 C집단인 경우 완치가 90.0%, A집단이 84.0%, B집단이 73.0%로 순으로 나타났다. 진 단 병별로 보면, 건선이 96.6%의 높은 치유율을 보였고, 물집이 87.7%, 2개 이상의 복합증상이 74%, 습진이 69%, 조 갑 진균증이 26.6%의 완치율을 보였다. A집단의 경우, 물집은 완치율이 92.8%, 습진 80%, 건선 95.1%, 조갑 진균증 40%, 2개 이상의 복합증상이 70%로 나타났으며, B집단은 물집이 66.6%, 습진 55%, 건선이 97.3%, 조갑 진균증이 22.2%, 복합증상은 72%로 나타났다. C집단의 경우, 물집이 94.4%, 습진 100%, 건선 100%, 조갑 진균증은 1명이었으 나 10회에 임상을 중단하였고, 복합은 82.3%의 치유율을 보임으로서 전체적으로 90%의 완치율을 나타냈다. 목초액이 무좀 등의 표재성진균증의 치료에 효과가 높게 나타나서 이를 적용한 치료제로서의 개발가능성을 볼 수 있고, 자연치 유제로 활용하여 국민의 복지에 기여하기를 기대한다.


 1. 서론
 2. 재료 및 방법
  2.1 연구대상
  2.2 목초액의 제조방법
  2.3 목초액의 선별
  2.4 임상방법
  2.5 자료 통계적 분석
 3. 결과 및 고찰
  3.1 연구 대상자의 일반적 특성
  3.2 연구대상자 연구 집단별 특성
  3.3 목초액의 표재성진균증에 대한 임상효과
  3.4 진단 질병별 치유 효과
  3.5 성별 및 연령별 치유효과
  3.6 치유 횟수별 효과
  3.7 치유 사전-사후검사에 따른 효과차이
  3.8 재발기간의 차이
  3.9 치료횟수별 증상 소멸차이
 4. 결론


  • 김유복 Kim, Yoobok. 동방대학원대학교 자연치유학과
  • 이형환 Hyung H. Lee. 동방대학원대학교 자연치유학과


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