In order to investigate genetic stability and gene expression profile after cloning procedure, two groups of cloned pigs were used for swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) gene nucleotide alteration and microarray analyses. Each group was consist of cloned pigs derived from same cell line (n=3 and 4, respectively). Six SLA loci were analyzed for cDNA sequences and protein translations. In total, 16 SLA alleles were identified and there were no evidence of SLA nucleotide alteration. All SLA sequences and protein translations were identical among the each pig in the same group. On the other hand, microarray assay was performed for profiling gene expression of the cloned pigs. In total, 43,603 genes were analyzed and 2,150~4,300 reliably hybridized spots on the each chip were selected for further analysis. Even though the cloned pigs in the same group had identical genetic background, 18.6~47.3% of analyzed genes were differentially expressed in between each cloned pigs. Furthermore, on gene clustering analysis, some cloned pigs showed abnormal physiological phenotypes such as inflammation, cancer or cardiomyopathy. We assumed that individual environmental adaption, sociality and rank in the pen might have induced these different phenotypes. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that SLA locus genes appear to be stable following SCNT. However, gene expressions and phenotypes between cloned pigs derived from the same cell line were not identical even under the same rearing conditions.
Animal Source
Confirmation of Cloned Animal
Sample Preparation
Sequence-based SLA Typing and Analysis
Microarray Analysis
Confirmation of Cloned Pigs
Sequence-Based SLA Typing
Microarray Analysis