

The Processes of Listening and Factors That Affect Selecting of Listening Activities



This article will discuss what is known about the processes of listening, by explaining what Top-down and Bottom-up processing refers to. As well as, it will discuss the factors that affect the selection of listening activities for second language learners. With those factors being as follows: listening should be relevant, material should be authentic, opportunities to develop both top-down and bottom-up processing skills should be offered, the development of listening strategies should be encouraged, and activities should teach, not test. It will also discuss tasks which, you can use to developlistening skills such as; doing, choosing, transferring, answering, condensing, extending, duplicating, modeling and conversing. It will also explain about the three steps that should be used when creating lesson plans that develop listening ability; pre-listening task, do the listening task and the post-listening task Listening, which is a key part of language acquisition is a complex process that involvesmany factors that need to be taken into account to maximize the learner's language acquisition. As teachers it is our responsibility to recognize the factors that affect listening and help our students meet their goals and improve their listening ability.


1. Processes of Listening
 2. Factors Affecting the Selection of Listening Activities
 3. Listening Activities
 4. Lesson Plans
 5. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Jonathan Boot Chonnam National University(전남대학교 언어교육원)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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