

해방기 재북 시인 양명문의 이상과 현실 갈등 연구 ― 북에서 발간한 시집 『송가』를 중심으로


The Study of YANG Myung Moon's conflict between his Ideal and Reality ― Focused on 『SongGa』 published in North Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article is to examine YANG Myung Moon and his poem 『SongGa』 published in North Korea at the liberation period. The purpose is to know how Pure literary writers in North Korean under social, political, and cultural circumstances in the liberation period of North Korea, experienced the frustration in their pointing spot of literature, and moreover, how the outcome and process did appear to compromise and accept the external pressure. The meaning of this study does not stop just to consider YANG Myung Moon and his literary choice as a writer in North Korea at the time of liberation. It is expected that this will be the opportunity to continue further related investigation of writers in North Korea under the similar circumstance, inferring their choices and paths who did not assimilate or could not agree with the ideology.


1. 해방기 문학과 양명문
 2. 양명문의 작품 세계와 해방기 북한의 문화예술
 3. 해방기 순수문학계열 재북 시인의 시집『송가』
  1) 독립과 해방을 맞는 환희와 새로운 시대에 대한 낙관
  2) 이상공간의 재구 농촌풍물시
  3) 사회주의 리얼리즘의 수용과 북한체제 찬양
 4. 맺는말


  • 곽효환 Kwak HyoHwan. 고려대학교 강사, 대산문화재단 사무국장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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