

茶山의 <秘本 墓誌銘 7편>과 天主敎


The Seven Secret Memorial Books of ‘Da-San' and Roman Catholicism

다산의 <비본 묘지명 7편>과 천주교


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is about the seven secret memorial books of ‘Da-San' ’Jung, Yak-Yong.' He wrote the lives of ‘Lee, Ka-Whan,' ‘Lee, Ki-Yang,' ‘Kwon, Chul-Shin,' ‘Oh, Chung-Suk,' ‘Jung, Yak-Jun,' and himself in the books. The six persons were persecuted by the Chosun Dynasty in 1801, because of their belief of Roman Catholicism. Some were accused and imprisoned wrongfully. Some were exiled and died in the place of exile. Some were beheaded in the street and abandoned. The seven secret memorial books(Two of them were of ‘Da-San') were hidden and unknown for a long time, because ‘Da-San' put ‘Confidential/Not to open to the public' on them in the eighth of ‘Yul-Su-Jun-Su,' the second volume of his transcription. Firstly, ‘Da-San' claimed that the six persons had accused and died wrongfully by the political opponents. Therefore, he defined the persecution to Roman Catholicism in 1801 as the political massacre of savants. He could returned and be alive finally from the exile of 18 years. Then he thought that it was his duty to reveal the six persons' innocence of The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre of savants by writing books for them, but he did not want to release the books. Therefore, the seven books can be called as authentic political reports and witnesses of The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre. Secondly, ‘Da-San' defined and blamed the leading persons and the whole group who schemed The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre in 1801 as vicious and deadly evil. He pointed ‘Mok, Man-Jung,' ‘Hong, Heui-Wun,' ‘Lee, Ki-Kyung,' ‘Min, Myung-Hyuk,' and ‘Seo, Yong-Bo' as evil and guilty. Then he claimed the six persons of the secret books, ‘Lee, Ka-Whan,' ‘Lee, Ki-Yang,' ‘Kwon, Chul-Shin,' ‘Oh, Suk-Chung, and ‘Jung, Yak-Jun' as good and innocent. By blaming ‘Whang, Sa-Young,' the husband of his nice as a traitor and rebel, he made it clear that he was against Roman Catholicism. ‘Da-San' emphasized that the persecutions and imprisonment for those six persons in 1801 were the massacre of savants. He called it as The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre of savants. Thirdly, ‘Da-San' gave a detail of The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre through his seven secret books. He emphasized that ‘Mok, Man-Jung,' ‘Hong, Heui-Wun,' ‘Lee, Ki-Kyung,' ‘Seo, Yong-Bo,' and ‘Min, Myung-Hyuk' as vicious and evil persons, because they schemed to accuse ‘Lee, Ky-Yang,' ‘Kwon, Chul-Shin,' ‘Oh, Suk-Chung,' ‘Jung, Yak-Jun,' and ‘Da-San' himself without any proof, and put them into long exiles as well as made them die in the exile places. Fourthly, the seven secret books are not found in seventy eight ‘Yeo-Yu-Dang-Jib,' which were documents for King ‘Ko-Jong.' ‘Yeo-Yu-Dang-Jib' was transcribed and put in ‘Kyu-Jang-Kak' in 1885 and 1886 that were the 22nd and 23rd year of King ‘Ko-Jong.' Descendents of ‘Da-San' worried about political troubles from the seven secret books. They thought that the books could reveal the truth of The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre, so that they did not gave them to ‘Kyu-Jang-Kak.' That way the books became unknown, hidden, and handed down secretly to his descendents. Bishop Antoine Daveluy was a witness of the existence of the secret books, because he wrote down about the existence of them. The books could come to the public in 1935 through ‘Shin-Cho-Sun-Sa.' The year was the 100th memorial day of the death of ‘Da-San,' and it was in the period of Japanese colony, not in the Kingdom of Chosun. Therefore, descendents of ‘Da-San' could publish seventy six ‘Yeo-Yu-Dang-Jib' without fear of the government of Chosun Dynasty and put the seven books in seventy six ‘Yeo-Yu-Dang-Jib.' Fifthly, ‘Da-San' did not write a memorial document for his third brother, ‘Jung, Yak-Jong' who was martyred in the ‘Shin-Yu' massacre. Even though he did write memorial documents for his colleagues from the massacre, friends, brothers, sister-in-laws, father's concubine, daughter-in-law, nephews, and early died his children, he did not write a memorial document for his third brother. His Confucianism could not allow his brother's Catholic belief. ‘Da-San' wrote ‘A History of Roman Catholicism in Chosun.' Therefore, he had no reason to write a memorial document for his Catholic brother, ‘Jung, Yak-Jong.' However his brother's Catholic belief brought death of one of his brothers and exiles of his two brothers. In his Confucius idea, he could not accept his brother's belief. Thus he did not write memorial documents for 'Kwon, Chul-Shin,' who was a brother of ‘Kwon, Il-Shin' and contributed himself to Roman Catholicism, ‘Hwang, Sa-Young, who was the husband of a niece, and ‘Lee, Seung-Hun,' who was the husband of an elder sister, either. They had Catholic belief like his third brother, ‘Jung, Yak-Jong.' Therefore he did not write memorial documents for them. The seven secret memorial books are the revelations of historical truth and his confession to history. He kept the truth in the secret books to reveal that ‘Lee, Ka-Whan,' ‘Lee, Ki-Yang,' 'Kwon, Chul- Shin,' ‘Oh, Chung-Suk,' ‘Jung, Yak-Jun,' and ‘Da-San,' himself were wrongfully accused, tortured, exiled, and died through The ‘Shin-Yu' massacre of savants. Therefore, his seven secret memorial books are the confession about the massacre and keep historical truth.


다산 정약용은 李家煥, 李基讓, 權哲身, 吳錫忠, 丁若銓과 茶山 자신의 생애를 기록한 묘지명을 짓고 이를 “秘本”으로 전했다. 이 6인은 1801년 천주교 박해 때 억울하게 獄死하여 棄市되거나, 유배지에서 운명하거나, 장기간 유배생활을 했다. 이 6인의 “秘本” 묘지명 7편(다산 2편)은 다산의 手寫本 冽水全書 續集 권8 표지에 “秘本”으로 표시되어 있어 오랫동안 세상에 알려지지 않았다. ① 다산은 “비본” 묘지명의 주인공 6인은 죄도 없는데 辛酉獄事로 원통하게 희생을 당했기에 “士禍”라고 정의했다. 장장 18년간 유배에서 “살아서 돌아온” 다산이 후세에 전한 “秘本” 묘지명 7편은 六人士禍의 白書라고 할 수 있다. ② 다산은 1801년 獄事를 주도한 세력들을 “한 둘의 陰邪한 사람”과 “惡黨”이라 했고, 睦萬中과 洪羲運(洪樂安)과 李基慶과 閔命赫과 徐龍輔 등을 “惡人”이라 했다. 그리고 “秘本” 묘지명의 주인공인 李家煥 李基讓 權哲身 吳錫忠 丁若銓과 茶山 6인을 “善類”라 하여 善과 惡으로 구분했다. 또한 조카사위 黃嗣永을 “逆賊”과 “逆竪”로 지칭하여 反天主敎的 입장을 밝혔다. 다산은 묘지명의 주인공 6인은 죄가 없는 “善類”인데 獄死시키고 유배지에서 죽게 했기에 “士禍”라고 했다. 즉 1801년 신유옥사로 6인이 희생당한 것을 “士禍”라고 정의했다. ③ 다산은 秘本 묘지명에서 “한 둘의 陰邪한 사람”과 “惡黨”과 “惡人”들이, “善類”인 李家煥 李基讓 權哲身 吳錫忠 丁若銓과 茶山 6인을 죄가 없는데도, 獄死시키고 유배시켜 죽게 한 士禍의 전말을 밝히고 논증했다. ④ 高宗의 御覽本으로 轉寫된 奎章閣本 與猶堂集 78책에는 “秘本” 7편이 없다. 이 秘本은 1858년 11월 7일 당시에도 “秘本”으로 전해진 것을 다블뤼 主敎의 기록에서 찾을 수 있다. 이 “秘本”이 세상에 공개된 것은 다산 逝去 100년 기념사업회에서 與猶堂全書 76책을 간행하기 시작한 1935년이다. 이때는 조선왕조가 망한 후인 日帝侵略時期로 “비본”을 세상에 공개해도 정치적 파장이 없기 때문에 다산 후손들이 이를 공개한 것이다. ⑤ 다산은 1801년 순교한 셋째형 丁若鍾의 묘지명을 짓지 않았다. 다산은 신유옥사로 화를 당한 선배, 知己는 물론 형제와 兄嫂와 庶母 子婦와 조카들의 묘지명과 요절한 자식들의 묘지명을 지었다. 그러나 천주교도인 權日身(권철신 동생)과 조카사위 黃嗣永과 姊兄 李承薰의 묘지명은 짓지 않은 것은, 이들의 천주교적 삶을 다산 자신의 유교적 세계관이 수용할 수 없었다. 그래서 정약종 등 천주교인의 묘지명을 짓지 않았다. 다산의 “秘本” 묘지명 7편은 진실의 기록이자 다산의 良心宣言書이다. 辛酉獄事로 李家煥 李基讓 權哲身 吳錫忠 丁若銓과 茶山이 천주교도라는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 獄死하여 棄市되고 유배지에서 죽은 것을 기록하여 후세에 전했다. 이 “秘本”의 묘지명은 6인에 대한 “辛酉士禍 白書”라고 할 수 있다.


 Ⅰ. 序論
 Ⅱ. 『冽水全書續集』 “秘本” 墓誌銘7편의 背景
 Ⅲ. 墓誌銘“秘本”은 “六人士禍”의 白書
 Ⅳ. 奎章閣本 『與猶堂集』에 “秘本” 不錄事由
 Ⅴ. 茶山이 丁若鍾묘지명을 不作한 理由
 Ⅵ. 結論


  • 金相洪 김상홍. 檀國大 碩座敎授.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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