The Research for the Hand Sanitation and Hand Washing Practice Rate of the Skin Care Expertise
This study had been researched to understand the skin care specialist’s hand sanitation and the practice rate of hand washing. It had been surveyed from 207 of the skin care expertise who have worked from July 1st, 2008 to August 31st, 2008(approximately 2 months) within the Metropolitan area and χ2 verification had been executed by using SPSSWIN 12.0 program for the statistical analysis. As a result of the survey, the average of hand washing frequency was 9th time per day which was the most frequent and the time required to wash their hand was 10~29 seconds. Afterwards, the drying process of their hand was researched that using common towel was 49.3% and individual towel was 34.3%. Among them, the research have shown that using exclusive hand towel was 20.4% in the skin care clinic within the hospital and 4.4% in the general skin care clinic so that the skin care clinic within the hospital’s practice rate of hygiene control seems like higher than the general skin care clinic. As a result of hand washing rate survey, it has shown that 49.3% washed every attendanceof their office and 37.7% washed frequently. In addition, 58.5% washed every time before caring the skin and 33.8% washed frequently. It also has been investigated that people who have got higher education washed their hand more often. When they touch their different customer’s skin, it has shown that 61.8% washed their hands every time and 29.5% washed just often. In addition, the general skin care clinic washed hand more frequently than the skin care clinic within the hospital and 76.8% washed every time and 19.8% washed frequently after touching the client’s skin who has a pimple problem. It also has shown that when the class of one’s position was higher, people washed their hand more frequently. After they went to the toilet, 78.7% washed their hands every time and 19.8% washedfrequently. As the result, it is really necessary to suggest the concrete managing process about the hand sanitation and proper hand washing.
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
연구방법 및 연구도구
1. 연구대상자
2. 연구도구
3. 통계처리 및 분석
1. 피부미용사의 손 위생관리
2. 피부미용사의 손 씻기 실천도
결론 및 제언