

러시아 시베리아ㆍ극동지역 인구 추이에 관한 분석


A Study on the Demographical Development in Russian Siberia & Far East


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study deals with the causality of population decrease in Russian Siberia and Far East. It focused on the causes and effects of Siberian demographical crisis and on the changes of Russian demographical policy. The demographical crisis in Russian Siberian & Far East also has a number of causes. Russian Siberia & Far East suffers from the general instability of a country in the process of transforming itself from a planned economy to market economy. The principle causes of Siberian demographical crisis is the decline of fertility and the increase of mortality. Besides Siberian populations have been forced to continue immigrating for European Russia. Due to the bad quality of life and etc. Siberian demographical problem makes vicious circle. The demographical trends of Russian Siberia & Far East in general in the near future will be determined by economic, social, and political changes in Russia. In all, I maintain that Russia should realize a long-term committment to establish a demographical policy, which both Russian President Putin and various policy-makers advocate.


I. 머리말
 II. 시베리아․극동지역 인구 추이의 현황
 III. 시베리아․극동지역에서의 인구 감소의 원인과 효과
  3.1. 시베리아․극동지역에서의 인구 감소의 원인
  3.2. 시베리아․극동지역에서의 인구 감소의 효과
 IV. 머리말


  • 한종만 Han, Jong-Man. 배재대학교 외국학대학 러시아ㆍ일본ㆍ중국학부 러시아학 전공 교수, 한국-시베리아센터 소장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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