

분노의 수용과 표출 : 청정캠프 병사들의 분노 조절을 위한 인문치료 개입의 필요성


Anger, Acceptance and Expression : Intervention through the Humanities Therapy in the Green camp


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During consultations with the soldiers classified maladapted in the military camp, one can easily discern without great difficulty that a vague anger characterizes this group of soldiers. The anger is caused by separation anxiety; separation from their mother-society. Their anxiety is much graver than that of their predecessors because the separation itself has become a trauma like experience than that of their previous generation. One of the main causes for this problem is the excessive dependence on the helpful modern inventions : the mobile phone, especially the smart phone, which totally changed the communication environment. The young soldiers communicated almost always by means of their mobile phone before they entered the military camp for basic training. The smart phone environment delimited the actual social contacts and in consequence the young soldiers did not feel the need for actual, ‘real’ communication with their peers or acquaintances nor to learn the social norm. This may be the very reason as to why they have some difficulty adapting themselves to the life of the military camp where the agreement with its norm is essential. Their anger derives from the incomprehension itself of their situation. And this incomprehension is the result of lack of understanding of the social conventions and norms. Thus to control the anger of the maladapted soldiers, it is necessary to educated them that what they may be experiencing is very much according to the social conventions. The humanities therapy can play an important role where the boundary of the actual psychology can not cover. Through a model for the communication of the humanities therapy we can help the soldiers to control their anger and consequently adapt to their military life.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 분노와 분노조절에 대한 통념
 3. 분노의 수용
 4. 분노의 발전적 표출
 5. 병사들의 분노의 원인과 인문치료적 소통의 치유
 6. 나가는 글


  • 김익진 Ik-Jin Kim. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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