

한국어 교육을 위한 불규칙 용언의 위계화 연구


A Study on the Hierarchy of Irregular Predicates for Korean Language Education.

이혜영, 이임경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to examine the hierarchy methods of Korean irregular verbs in the context of teaching Korean as a foreign language. This study attempted to present the range and order of education that must be achieved to effectively teach the irregular predicates of the Korean language to foreign learners. First, to select irregular predicates that will be analyzed for hierarchy, this study defined irregular predicates based on a concept different from the concept applied in school grammar. Thus, since foreign learners recognize irregular predicates as the verbs and adjectives presenting structural changes in the combination between the stem and ending, this study defined irregular predicates as the predicates showing structural changes in the combination between the stem and ending. In particular, this study selected the seven irregular predicates that must be
taught to foreign learners (‘ㄷ’, ‘ㄹ’, ‘ㅂ’, ‘ㅅ’, ‘ㅎ’, ‘르’, and ‘으’-irregular predicates) and sequentially ranked these predicates. This study viewed the frequency of usage and the grammatical difficulty of the predicative as important standards for the sequential ranking of irregular predicates and reflected these standards in the sequential ranking process.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행 연구
 3. 연구 대상 및 방법
  3.1. 분석 대상 불규칙 용언의 항목 선정
  3.2. 불규칙 용언 위계화를 위한 분석 방법 및 기준
 4. 불규칙 용언 위계화의 실제
  4.1. 빈도 분석
  4.2. 난이도 분석
  4.3. 불규칙 용언의 위계화
 5. 결론


  • 이혜영 Heayoung Lee. 연세대학교
  • 이임경 Imkyung Lee. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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