Metropolitan urban residents throughout the world generate increasing amounts of solid wastes while they demand high-quality waste disposal services. Given limited disposal options, the world metropolitan cities experience difficulties in solving their municipal waste problems. Incineration faces steep opposition from citizens, and landfills are mostly filled within the metropolitan areas. Recycling is a preferred option, but its implementation is affected by its economics and also by current management practices. This research at tempts to historically review waste management practices implemented in Seoul, New York and Tokyo. Next, it explores why each metropolitan city has adopted their current management practices (especially by looking at citizen involvement in the decision-making process). Their management practices are characterized in our research by three policy orientations: market-driven, citizen-oriented and government-induced. After evaluating the impact of the current practice on waste incinerators in each metropolitan city, especially, this research intends to suggest possible ways of solving the conflicts in urban waste management.
II. 대도시 폐기물관리정책의 결정과 집행
1. 고전적 정책연구에서의 정책결정 강조
2. 현대적 정책연구에서의 정책집행 강조
3. 현대적 폐기물관리정책연구의 초점 : 정책집행에서의 갈등
III. 뉴욕, 도쿄, 서울의 도시폐기물 관리정책 비교
1. 뉴욕의 도시폐기물관리정책
2. 도쿄의 도시폐기물 관리정책
3. 서울의 도시폐기물 관리정책
IV. 각 대도시 폐기물 관리정책의 유형별 특징
1. 시장 주도형 뉴욕 : '시장의 논리'에 기초한 갈등해결기준 적용
2. 정부 주도형 도쿄 : '정부의 논리'에 기초한 갈등해결기준 적용
3. 시민 주도형 서울 : '시민의 논리'에 기초한 갈등해결기준 적용
V. 결론