The purpose of this study is to deeply understand and explain the activities of the German Civil Society NGO based on the foundation of "NGO puts Trading States and Civil Society on the assumption of every move." To organize this subject, on Chapter 2 the concept of Trading States, Civil Society, Gesellschaftswelt, NGO and Global Governance will be considered theoretically and on Chapter 3 the status quo of Germany's NGO will be studied. The thesis "NGO puts Trading States and the Civil Society on the assumption of every move" embraces four meanings. (1) A State should have a Capability of a Trading State and openness and from that society an NGO appears. (2) So an NGO lays its root on a Trading State that gives birth to a Civil Society. The meaning of (1)-(2) explains the process of appearance of NGO. (3) NGO connects its Matrix, the Civil Society with the Global Gesellschaftswelt, does a role of a Global Governance and deals with Global issues. (4) Developed by the Openness of Trading States, NGO faces an environmental change called 'Globalization' and helps Trading States to cope with Global problems in an effective way. The meaning of (3)-(4) explains the role of NGO and relationship between a State and NGO. On Chapter 4 it will be studied whether the NGOs of Germany which will be BUND, Misereor and WEED can be explained with the four meanings mentioned before or not. BUND, Misereor and WEED all do meet the four meanings of the four topics, but there is a minor difference when it comes to subject (4). If the strength of cooperation between a State and NGO (BUND, Misereor and WEED) is graded as in the order of 3>2>1 Misereor will be 3, BUND as 2 and WEED to be 1. Cooperation always brings Conflict just like a shadow to a person. The level of Conflict will be in retrograde order which is opposite to the grade of cooperation of BUND, Misereor and WEED. When it comes to Conflict WEED will be 3, BUND as 2 and Misereor to be 1.
II. 교역국가, 시민사회, 사회세계, 글로벌 거버넌스
1. 뮐러(Muller)의 다층적 공동체 모델
2. 글로벌 거버넌스로서 NGO
III. 독일 NGO의 현황
1. 독일 NGO의 분류와 활동
2. 독일정부와 NGO
3. 신조합주의적 협력에 대한 도전으로서 NGO
IV. 독일 시민사회 NGO : BUND, Misereor, WEED
2. Misereor
V. 결론 : 한국에 주는 시사점