

프랑스 인도주의 NGO - 국경없는 의사회(Medecins sans frontieres. MSF)를 중심으로 -


French humanitarian Ngo : on Medecins sans frontieres


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Well known as 'French doctors', Medecins sans frontieres (Doctors without borders) is one of the most famous international humanitarian NGOs in the fields of urgent aid and assistance for the victims of all kinds of natural and/or human disasters, such as earthquake, flood, famine, armed conflicts, etc. Humanitarian ideas were born early in the time of Reform in Europe. But modern humanitarianism has been materialized with the foundation of International Committee of Red Cross in 1875. ICRC has incarnated exclusively humanitarian action for a long time on the international stage and almost all countries recognize this international organization whose action is legitimated by virtue of international law. However, ICRC's neutral stance vis-a-vis Nazi regime and long silence on the jewish concentration camp during World War II were highly criticized. The founders of MSF is deeply influenced by this critic of 'blind neutrality' of Red Cross during World War II. Thus, MSF, which represent new generation of humanitarianism, breaking with traditional virtue of silent action, take the strategy of "shout' and 'witness' at various important humanitarian abuse situations. For' doctors without borders', in many occasions neutrality could mean conspiration with slaughterer, synonym of impuissance, or simple naivety which can easily exploited by power holders. We can enumerate two major factors which enables the spectacular success of MSF in recent decades. First, in modem warfare when civilian populations being often targets of belligerent, NGOs like MSF can more rapidly engage in humanitarian action than ICRC whose action is always delayed by laborious preceding negotiation with belligerent. Second, MSF's 'shout' and 'witness' strategy remarkably fit mass media's attention which guarantee nowadays Ngo's media visibility, therefore Ngo's success. But the great popularity of international Ngos specialized in urgent aid and assistance for the victims produced largely in the Third World contrast with the decline of another type of humanitarian action, specialized in long term development of Third World's countries.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 인도주의 행동철학 : 기원과 변천
 III. 중립의 문제
 IV. 공평성과 자유의 권리
 V. 나가는 말



  • 김태수 Kim, Tae-Su. 한국외대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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