

이탈리아 68운동과 시민사회의 성장


Italian '68 movements and the development of civil society


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper will analyze the process of modern italian civil society. In Italy the primary civil society didn't yet establish at the modem and social level in various sectors after the second world war. But Italy had been so fast developed the national economic that called 'the economic miracle' from 50's to early 60's. The fasten economic development didn't mean the political maturity and the social reforming. Italian '68 movements started in this situation standing for the social reforming and the opposite to traditional customs. In this study it will try to explain how to develop the italian modern civil society through italian '68 movements and which means those movements. Especially in those days italian '68 movements had been substantially and structurally reformed at four social sectors; that of family, that of religion, that of labour, that of politics. Above all, it was begun the movements at the level of civil organization that call NGOs. Based on this point of view, this study insist that italian '68 movements was a beginning of italian civil movements at the level of NGOs.


I. 서론 : 역사적 배경과 2차대전 이후의 상황
 II. '68운동의 전개와 주요 사건
 III. '68운동의 사상적 배경과 사회변혁 분야 및 주체
 IV. 시민사회의 분화와 성장
 V. 결론 : '68운동의 사회적 의미와 시민사회에 대한 한국의 시사점


  • 김종법 Kim, Jong-Bub. 한국외대 강사


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