

The Effect of Acclimation to Real Flue Gas on the Cultivation of Neochloris oleabundans




The cultivation of microalgae is drawing attention as solution for elimination of CO2 in flue gas from industries and plants. Before application of microalge to industry for reduction of CO2, the effect of flue gas was considered. The flue gas containing high CO2, NOx, and fine dust has toxity. That is why it is important that microalgae should have time to acclimate to flue gases before practical growing. In this study, Neochloris oleabundans was cultured in outdoor condition which was maintained at 22℃ of temperature, 50~200 mol photon/m²s of light intensity and 25 L polymer bag type of photo-bioreactor. N. oleabundans was cultivated with 5% of CO2 as a control; from 5% CO2 to 20 and 50% flue gases, 100% of flue gases and from 5% CO2 to 50% and 100% flue gases as experimental groups. As a result, we had found that cultivation with from 5% CO2 to 50% and 100% flue gases had the highest productivity and there was no cell growth inhibition by flue gases.


  • Joo Yeong LEE Dept. of Chemical & Biological engineering, Korea university, Seoul 136-701, Korea.
  • Sang Jun SIM Dept. of Chemical & Biological engineering, Korea university, Seoul 136-701, Korea.


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