

Estimating Methane Production on Anaerobic Digestion with Crop Residues



Anaerobic digestion of rice and wheat straw substrates for biogas production was performed in serum bottles at various biomass loading rates with different digestion temperatures. Through kinetic mode of surface methodology, the methane production was fitted to a Gompertz equation. For rice straw substrate with different biomass loading rates, the ultimate methane production potential of 1 % biomass was highest at 250.0 ml g-1atthermophilic stage(55℃), but in the mesophilic stage(35 ℃) was 245.5 ml -1. However, it was appeared that maximum methane content was 77.1 % after 11.7 days of digestion periods at thermophilic stage in 5 % biomass, but it was 69.9 % after 9.6 days of digestion periods in 1 % biomass at mesophilic stage. For wheat straw substrate with different biomass loading rates, the ultimate methane production potential was highest at 248.3 ml g-1 at thermophilic stage(55℃), but in the mesophilic stage (35℃) was 307.8 ml g-1 on both 1 % biomass. However, it was appeared that maximum methane content was 64.8 % after 10.7 days of digestion periods at thermophilic stage, but at mesophilic stage it was 76.3 % after 31.9 days of digestion periods on both 1 % biomass. Overall, it would be strongly recommended that 1 % of biomass loading rate was an optimum rate on both thermophilic and mesophilic stages for using rice and wheat straws for feed stocks.


  • JoungDu SHIN Dept. of Climate Change & Ecology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Sewon 441-707, Korea
  • SangWon PARK R&D Performance Evaluation and Management Division, Research Policy Bureau, Rural Development Administration.
  • Woo-Kyun PARK Department of Climate Change and Environmental Ecology, Agro-Environmental Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Sewon 441-707, Korea.
  • Chang-Gyun KIM Nous-Bo CO., LTD, Sewon 441-707, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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